Hello Fellow Cubers!
MoYu's platform provides different services to cubers all over the world; and we always try to pursue innovations and make breakthroughs to improve puzzle technology. In this past year, we were very happy to have collaborated with the famous Dutch puzzle designer, Oskar van Deventer. It was a huge honor to have him trust us with his work and as a result, we brought one of his fantastic designs to life and produced the Redi Cube for puzzle and speedcube addicts alike.
In April of this year, our first product collaboration with Oskar resulted in the release of the Redi Cube which immediately became very popular within the cubing community. Aside from the puzzle's beautiful design, it's also a very easy and intuitive puzzle to learn. Even those who can't solve the standard 3x3 are able to solve it and everyone has an equal opportunity to experience the Redi Cube (Please check here to learn the Redi cube: https://youtu.be/4LIHYvxWgQQ). Although the Redi Cube wasn't intended to be a speedcube, some cubers have attempted to speedsolve this cube. To make more and more people recognize the Redi cube, we've decided to launch a Redi cube challenge competition plan, please see the details below:
1.The Redi cube competition will be arranged as an entertainment event during a cube competition. MoYu will provide some Redi cubes for the competition in the case that some competitors don’t have the cube; the cuber can also use his or her own Redi cube for the competition.
2. Organizers can contact us at ad@moyucube.com to apply for a Redi cube competition sponsorship.
3. Once the application is approved, please let us know the amount of competitors expected within at least 1 week before the competition.
4. We will provide the scramble papers to organizers along with Redi cubes and other cubes as rewards. Only organizers are allowed to open the scrambles before the Redi cube competition.
5.How to compete:
a.There is only 1 round for the competition and the process is the same as a 3x3 competition: each competitor has 5 solves, resulting in an average of 5.
b.To save time and keep other events running smoothly, organizers can set a cut off time or limit the amount of competitors.
1st place: Redi cube + MoYu 2x2 - 7x7
2nd place: Redi cube + MoYu 2x2 - 5x5
3rd place: Redi cube+MoYu 3x3
Every participant is entitled to a MoYu product as a reward.(for example: Cube, fidget spinner, stacking cups, etc...)
*These rewards are just for reference, organizers can discuss exact details with us.*
7.Record and reward: Up until December 31st, 2017, the world record average/single Holder for the Redi Cube can get a MoYu 15x15 as a reward! The world record holder must provide clear videos as a proof to get the 15x15. The updated record can be found in this web page.
8.If there is any cheating suspected during the competition, we will cancel the results and forbid the cuber to participate in future Redi cube competitions.
9.MoYu reserves the right to explain the final details of this activity.
Current records: